Every “outer” God is a false God
And that’s why “Jesus” can’t be substituted for our own soul.

Everyone needs to walk by themselves –
To talk, and to make things –
At some point, each of us simply has to let go of all the “outer hands”
And trust to one’s “inner self.”

This might be taking a big risk, however –
Because if we’re not fully ready –
We might fall down –
Yet, without discovering our true self, we would be nothing –
Other than an imitative puppet – even though fairly effective in the world
And acknowledged to be such.

There’s really no approach to the real God without being one’s true self
Isn’t that obvious?

Jesus tried to explain this, in his teaching and life –
But people didn’t “get” what he was talking about
And so developed theologies of dutifully following “Others” –
Sometimes called “God” or “Jesus,” and, in other religions, something else –
But it’s still the “Other” – and not our true selves.

We know this is a serious problem
That the world religions, by their very nature, have been unable to address –

The essential problem is that many of us live too much like “puppets” –
In which case, “Heaven,” for us, would be a cartoon too.

One thought on “IS “HEAVEN” ONLY A CARTOON?

  1. Reminds me of the old gospel song, Jesus walked this lonesome valley, he had to walk it by himself…Last verse starts “we must walk this lonesome valley, We have to walk it by ourself, oh nobody else can walk it for us…

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