I am announcing:

Male Gods no longer exist

They’re completely gone –
Along with all male god hierarchies, religions, written authorities, images, and songs –

All gone!

It’s ridiculous to have to say this –
But God is not male – obviously – because God doesn’t have a body.

Perhaps male gods at one time made some kind of sense –
But no longer –
Since every evil present in today’s world
Is finding it possible to hide behind male god masks.

If we take authority away from male gods and their related institutions
Everyone will be able to see “reality” for themselves –
Be able to call “good,” good, and “evil,” evil
Regardless of pre-existing “male” religious, social, or political categories.

In every society today, male gods,
Along with their related religious institutions and power structures,
Are still dominant.
But recently, and quite bizarrely, males have begun reaching back further into time
In order to justify their societies becoming even more primitive –
And to further legitimize raw male authority.

As a consequence, our beautiful blue-green world is now at risk
Along with our children,
As well as the path to full human dignity for women –
Solely due to a societal reluctance to put a stop to these false ideas.

A better adjective for God than “Male” would be “Spirit” –
Similar to Love or Truth or Justice or Beauty.
“Male” supremacy is not implied in any of these spiritual attributes –
While women and children have full and equal rights to embody them.

So, finally, “enough is enough” –
Let’s bring all these empty male spiritual structures to an end.

For example, the ancient “warrior king gods” have got to go –
Along with the eternal male infatuation with “military might”
And all the more recent myths of “white men” being on top –
Because the world, having been led primarily by men for too long now,
Has arrived too close to its own self-destruction.

A few examples from societies dominated by “male” gods:

Nominal “Muslims,” belonging to ISIS, have been beheading archeologists and raping young female children. Seen through God’s eyes, isn’t it obvious that ISIS is following Satan instead of God?

Israel, for its part, is currently in a tragic process of abandoning its ancient spiritual glories and historical memory, in mimicking WWII Germans by their treatment of Palestinians as sub-human. What does that look like from the non-ironical perspective of God?

Southern Baptist preacher-politicians are leading so-called “Christian” tours of Masada, the scene of a mass suicide, spewing hate like Southern spit, and declaring to the world that America is “God’s Promised Land” – all the while repressing the historical facts about the country’s mass murder of Native Americans and the criminal theft of their land, along with the enslavement and persecution of a continent-wide number of Africans over a time period that, now, seems like forever. Through God’s eyes – i.e., through the eyes of the victims – shouldn’t we be giving a much harder look at this original source of wealth for white Americans?

Are you starting to see why the “male” gods have got to go?


“From this 7th day of October, 2015 forward, there shall no longer exist any male gods or establishments based upon such male gods, and they shall at all times in the future be regarded, completely and totally, as spiritual, social, and political nullities.”

What gives Diner Mystic the authority to declare such a thing? Diner Mystic is nobody special. However, Diner Mystic has done the spiritual work, like so many others have, to become free enough to see the “face” of male religions – and is not afraid of saying it out loud – like the child who, upon seeing the Emperor naked, cried out: “But he isn’t wearing anything at all!”

“Male Gods” and their related institutions aren’t wearing anything either!

The foundations of the human world rest upon ideas and perceptions. Once any person is able to understand the true reality of male gods and their supporting institutions – and says it out loud – the result will be the disappearance, sooner or later, of all these male gods and institutions – because everyone else will be able to see it too.

This proclamation is made so that all people, everywhere, may get free enough to see reality clearly – no matter what the male gods and their supporting institutions have formerly affirmed.

My advice is to use the spiritual tools provided by God – love, truth, justice, and beauty – to test anything presented in your life. If you can do this, you can’t go wrong.