Growing old physically –
We start to fall apart
Which isn’t all bad
Since we gain opportunities to become more spiritual.

Our goal is the attainment of “wholeness” – or “holiness” –
Inside and out –
Accepting both the world and ourselves
Right up to the moment when we go crashing into the dark –
Which, God willing,
Turns light.

Do we awake when we die?
And, if we can accelerate this consciousness while still alive,
Mightn’t this bring us an even earlier “awakening”?

But what if we’re never able to find the “pearl” –
And what would be the consequences of not bothering to look?

Yes, it’s true that, as we grow older, we start to fall apart –
It’s natural –
But what would be “unnatural” is to become more loving
While, at the same time, becoming weaker, more stressed, and more helpless.

This would be like observing the sun rising up behind a dark mountain –
When we’re both mountain and sun.


Poets used to write primarily for God
Or about the kinds of people who take long and dangerous trips in search of God.

Their tools were images and symbols that could “light up the truth” –
Truth that uninspired reason, by itself, wasn’t able to touch – much less attain.

I believe poets are ready to return to these artistic/spiritual roots –

Pouring out light into our contemporary darkness,
Displaying literary compassion to sustain people through their Trumpian confusion –
Along with uncovering intimations of a God hidden in plain sight
Behind all the materialism now drenching our greed-stunned world.


In other words, is “God” just another name for the “Good”?
And, if so, wouldn’t that make it difficult to remain an atheist or agnostic?

The “Good” doesn’t require religious institutions
Like ministers, rabbis, or priests to support its natural state –
And, in fact, don’t they sometimes undermine it?

Perhaps we should consider getting rid of the word “God” altogether
Because, given the hypocrisy traditionally inherent in religion,
Couldn’t it frequently be pointing people away from the “Good.”

And perhaps it might also make sense
To dispense with other “God” accoutrements, as well –
Including holy books, religious paraphernalia, and all those buildings, buildings, buildings.

Maybe it’s time for “God” to be “born again” as the “Good” –
And for this ancient shibboleth to be de-institutionalized and purified.

Everyone recognizes the “Good” when they experience it
While “God” frequently can only be identified through religious passwords –
Especially in the Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, and other major religious institutions
Of today.


When you’re looking at colors – but instead observe only shapes or ideas –
When you’re having tea with friends – but dream about being somewhere else –
Or if your ideas have turned out to be all derivative –

Dear friend, it might be time to “wake up” –
Sparkle; effervesce a little – begin living a “real” life.

It would be much like being slapped in the face
By “beauty.”

When you wake up this way
You’ll start seeing the colors you once experienced as a child –
The colors that make up God’s beautiful “face.”