What does God smell like?
Perhaps we should ask a dog.

What does it feel like to be “taken up into the spirit”?
Perhaps we should query the diving-down ducks.

Every sentient being “knows” God in their own unique manner
Except humans who generally think spiritually only in blueprints.

We do know God – but several steps removed –
In our focused, yet abstract way.

Backing up a bit, we can gain some perspective
But the intensity of the experience diminishes –
On the other hand, if we move closer – like a lover should –
We often lose a sense of the whole.

Perhaps we should think about reclaiming our distant vegetable self –
Or take up an intimate relationship with stones –

In other words, leave our beautiful minds at home
And approach God “fresh” –

That is, close as “reality” can get –

Licking close.


God is a word
And that word is “God” –

In a sense, God has to be a word
Because we only “think” in words.

Words are made up of nothing –
But they’re all we have.

Actually, words just point

For example, God points at God
And says: Look at me –
Not at yourself.

Also – you might want to
Look at “love” or “truth”

If you can bear it.

God “says” (since that’s how God generally reaches out to us):

“Look at me,”

“I’m a ‘Word.’”


“I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” John 3:3

Christianity teaches that Jesus was referring to salvation based upon a belief in him.

But Jesus was actually talking about being born “into the Spirit” – not about a commitment to himself.

So, what does it mean for one to be born “into the Spirit”?

I think, first, this requires a determination of the meaning of one’s “self.”

Each of us is born as a “true self” – but, at this moment in history, a “true self” probably wouldn’t be able to survive past his or her childhood. That’s why a person, while still young, accepts the substitution of an “ego” or false self in place of their true self – so that they can successfully integrate their “self” into the world – i.e., with their parents, community, and surrounding culture, including their nation and religion. This successor “self,” in most cases, takes the form of the strong and healthy ego that Freud described.

But what are the costs of living through an “ego” self, no matter how successful it may be in the world?

Think about consciousness as an open circle. Then picture the part accessible to the ego as a very thin slice – maybe 10% – 20%. From early childhood on, that’s the part of ourselves we choose to live within – with all our experiences needing to fit within that narrow slice or be excluded. Excluded how? The ego self requires, as the price of an effective existence, that each and every experience outside the scope of its chosen roles be methodically and ruthlessly pushed back into the unconscious – sealing those experiences off from our consciousness.

So, what happens when we’re “born again”? Upon being born again, we gain access to all our consciousness – all 360 degrees of it – and are able to experience full reality. We become completely “free” and totally open to all our experiences – just like when we first came into the world as a newborn baby – but we also retain all the experience and knowledge of the person we had become by the time we were “reborn.” This rebirth, however, doesn’t happen to an ego – it only happens when we’re able to break free of the ego we had earlier accepted – and start living outside it. That’s what Zen training, for example, prepares us for – to get “outside yourself” in order to become “free of your ego.” This is essentially the same path which Jesus taught – that we need to be “born again” in order to become our “true self” – the self God originally provided us with.

Once you become your true self, you’ll enter “Heaven” – and no longer be creating karmic problems in this world. That’s because you’ll be experiencing everything clearly – by being able to see yourself at the same time as you’re participating in the world – by an ability to stand “outside” yourself. This makes it possible for you to see what God wants you to do in any given situation – just like Jesus was able to – allowing you to act the same as God would act if God were a human being like yourself.

Let me say this as simply as possible – once you find your “true self,” you won’t be Jesus, but you’ll have become someone like Jesus – because you’ll have done what he recommended – spiritually, you’ll be “born again.”

All the “Angels in Heaven” start singing when this happens –

or perhaps,

You’ll simply be able to hear the angels who’re always singing – once you’ve gained the “ears to hear” that everyone receives upon being “born again.”


We believe we’re okay, even though we’re not –
And know we’re not.
We’re committed to this belief because we’re too spoiled to change
And, up until now, have always been able to “get away with it.”

In the distant past, God sent a few select people into the world
Repeatedly attempting to teach human beings they really need to change –
But, rather than changing, they changed the message instead –
And then buried it – upside-down – inside magnificent stone structures.

Now, however, it’s gotten to the point
That, as a species, we face the threat of going extinct – by
Inadvertently tearing ourselves to pieces (in the old tried and true “male” way),
Along with altering the climate of our beautiful, still largely paradisiacal world –

Unless we completely change:

From human animals to human beings –
From false selves to true selves.

That’s why we need the purest girl in the world more than ever
To make an appearance here on earth (life’s only “known” home in the universe) –
Because our ancient spiritual models have gone stale
And no longer work in the way we need today.


God comes in many flavors –
Not just vanilla.

God thinks about
Going forward, and then,
In reverse.

New universes appear
And disappear
Like bouquets of light
Thrown up into the night sky.

God has a secret
And makes up a song about it –
But when it’s sung
We can’t hear a thing –
Because we lack a “third ear.”

God loves little things
Which is why we’re so cherished
And always invited to the party.

God won’t ever stop making new things –
Nor will we –
But, sometimes, we should take a break
And compare work.


The world doesn’t judge
Much less take notice of
What we do.

Most of the time, we’re not sinners –
Only imperfectly real –
No matter how many Messianic feathers we stick in our caps.

The real reason we can’t directly see God – or anything else for that matter –
Is because our ego mask has no real “eyes” –
Except for a couple of tiny mirrors
Reflecting ourselves.

The truth is: There’s no real
“Christ,” “Church,” or “Bible” –
They don’t actually exist!
Just God, who they only partially represent, is truly alive in our world.

For example, it’s love that makes possible “real” life,
Truth that opens minds to original ideas
And allowing justice to others that gives us the ability to compromise –

Beauty, for its part, however, always takes its own time
Opening a door for God to enter –
Which is why an experience of true beauty is so magical –
So much so that everyone dreams of experiencing it “in full flower”
At least once in their lives!