Humans’ initial “true self” was an animal self –
That we didn’t have to think about because we were it.

Later on, in the Garden of Eden, shortly after choosing a fruit to eat,
Eve, upon becoming Homo sapiens, suddenly saw herself
And, as a result of this “seeing,” split in two –
Eve saw Eve!

God yelled that this was forbidden since she might lose her “self” –
That is, her animal self might be gone forever.

The consequences of Eve’s consciously looking at herself in this way
Was that she plunged irrevocably into a conscious world of work and suffering –
Where she was compelled to “see it all.”

Her immediate remedy to this suffering was to try to “re-make” her self.

Eve, looking at Eve, and shocked by the “nakedness” of what she saw –
Decided to design a “clothed” Eve –
Fashioned for survival in this harshly conscious world –
An ego “self” capable of taking cues from others –
Able to transform herself in a mental flash – or flashes –
Virtually, a “strobe” human being.

But, ultimately, this failed because Eve’s ego was a self-made “mask”
With no real life of its own.

To become a “true self” as a human being,
One has to give up the post-animal “ego self”
And become “no thing” – just like God –
While remaining human – certainly not by trying to become God.

A “no thing” human is able to act in the same way God would act if God were human –
Committed to embodying the highest spiritual standards –
Performing a “spiritual dance”
Related to the reverse-particle explosion of joy –
Experienced at the very beginning.