Where can God be found, now, in America?

Certainly not in suburban shopping malls –
Or, out there, stuck in a traffic jam –
And never, ever on cable TV – that’s for sure!

What about in the Friday Night prayers of h.s. football coaches?
Or as reflected in the back-lit jowls of Southern Baptist preachers?

No, I don’t think so.

Since we live in a democratic country,
Might there not be virtually millions of so-called “American Gods” –
Or are they all just egos search-lighting the empty night skies?

We do have a “National Religion” though – a Judeo-Christian composite one –
But it’s been used, largely, to justify wars and our greatest historical crimes.

If, however, we’re unable to find God here in America – at all –
Then we probably won’t be able to find any meaning either –
And, if we can’t find meaning,
We’ll probably end up lost out in the dusty fields of a digital world.

Even though we always faithfully celebrate our birthdays,
Unfortunately, we never take time to reflect on our fast-approaching deathday –
Because, patriotically, we refuse to recognize its existence.

If, however, you can’t think about death,
You’ll probably never encounter God either,
Because, after all, that’s where “the God we know” originally came from –

Life always comes out of non-life,
Doesn’t it?