Diner Mystic left church behind,
But ended up coming back to sit with Jesus
Because, eventually, he came to understand Jesus
Was who they said he was –
A human being actually capable of “mirroring” God –
While living in a human/God duality.

Diner Mystic left the Church 40 years ago
And returned when he was able to say “Jesus Christ” –
Numbering himself among the others who are able to say this –
Including Mary Magdalene (the first), as well as the other Mary who Jesus taught spirituality,
His own mother Mary –
The women at the Cross –
His disciples –
And then, last but not least, Saul/Paul.

It took Diner Mystic a long time to arrive at this point –
And he apologizes for his tardiness –
But that was the path necessary for him “to say it real” –
He had to leave in order to come back –
He had to travel to the ends of the universe
To find his very own feet.

Silly, sublime man!